Proclivity delves into the paradox of seeking understanding through seemingly destructive acts. Portals emerge through broken mirrors overhead as a symbolic representation of transcending conventional understanding, offering glimpses into something unattainable. Ripples of this exploration translate with childlike wonder, personified through the juxtaposition of reality and perceived truth.
Through this ongoing series of works, I explore the evolution of ideas and their manifestation over a course of time. In the past, I engaged in feeble attempts at self-atonement that set off a chain reaction of consequences. Those actions alchemize through tangible expressions of a relentless pursuit. I document my struggle with being immersed in the day-to-day, employing varied expressions to understand the complex interplay of growth and destruction. Through this lens, I sought clarity as a grounding force, reflecting on what has been and what is yet to come in the name of preservation.